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BolPoints Detail
BolPoints Detail
Travel Details
Travel Details
Membership Details
Membership Details
What is BolBol?
What is BolBol?

For inquiries and questions related to BolBol, you can call our toll-free call center att 0 (850) 399 17 016


Member of Pegasus BolBol since .

Available BolPuan
BolPuan to Expire

To not miss the advantage of flying with Pegasus BolBol, you must use your BolPoints before they expire.

For inquiries and questions related to BolBol, you can call our toll-free call center at 0 (850) 399 17 01.

Ticket change/cancellation rules for guests due to Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Ticket change/cancellation rules for guests due to Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Ticket change/cancellation rules for guests whose flights have not been cancelled 


Passenger rights for ticket changes/cancellations
due to the Coronavirus (Covid-19)
Date of
ticket purchase
Flight dates Can I convert my flight to
an open ticket without penalty?
Can I change my ticket without penalty?  Can I cancel my flight
without penalty? 
Deadline for request to make changes:
Iran   On and prior to
23 February 2020
23 February 2020
- 30 April 2020
Yes Yes, to a flight that departs up to 30 April 2020
to a flight that departs up to 29 October 2020 and in the case of a price difference,
only paying the difference in fare between the old ticket and the new ticket.
Yes All ticket changes must be
requested by 30 April 2020
Italy On and prior to
26 February 2020
26 February 2020
- 30 April 2020
Yes Yes, to a flight that departs up to 30 April 2020
to a flight that departs up to 29 October 2020 and in the case of a price difference,
only paying the difference in fare between the old ticket and the new ticket.
Yes All ticket changes must be 
requested by 30 April 2020
Iraq Prior to and including
26 February 2020
26 February 2020
– 30 April 2020
Yes Yes, to a flight that departs up to 30 April 2020
to a flight that departs up to 29 October 2020 and in the case of a price difference,
only paying the difference in fare between the old ticket and the new ticket.
Yes All ticket changes must be 
requested by 30 April 2020
Saudi Arabia Prior to and including
27 February 2020
27 February 2020
- 30 April 2020
Yes Yes, to a flight that departs up to 30 April 2020
to a flight that departs up to 29 October 2020 and in the case of a price difference,
only paying the difference in fare between the old ticket and the new ticket.
Yes All ticket changes must be
requested by 31 March 2020
All other countries
(All international and North Cyprus routes
except Iran, Italy, Iraq and Saudi Arabia)
On and prior to
7 March 2020
7 March 2020
- 31 May 2020
Yes Yes, to a flight that departs up to 29 October 2020 and in the case of a price difference,
only paying the difference in fare between the old and new ticket.
No All ticket changes must be 
requested by 30 April 2020
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