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Schengen Visa

What is Schengen?

Schengen is the region including the members of the European Union and members of the European Free Trade Association.

Schengen Countries List

  1. Belgium
  2. Austria
  3. Czech Republic
  4. Denmark
  5. Estonia
  6. Finland
  7. France
  8. Germany
  9. Greece
  10. Hungary
  11. Iceland
  12. Italy
  13. Latvia
  14. Lithuania
  15. Luxembourg
  16. Malta
  17. Netherlands
  18. Norway
  19. Poland
  20. Portugal
  21. Slovakia
  22. Slovenia
  23. Spain
  24. Sweden
  25. Switzerland
  26. Liechtenstein

As these countries have visa-free travel policy among themselves, citizens of union member states can only travel within the region with their ID or passports. If people outside the region also want to travel to these countries, they can start the visa procedure for member countries that they would like to visit. There are also countries that are members of the European Union that are not in the Schengen area such as Ireland, the United Kingdom, Romania, Bulgaria, Croatia, and Cyprus

Schengen is also a type of visa issued by authorized institutions allowing travel within union-affiliated countries. You can enter Schengen countries with this visa type. Depending on the conditions, more than one country can also be visited with this visa. 

How to Get A Schengen Visa?

A Schengen visa can be obtained through the representatives of the destination country. Visa applicants can complete the process after collecting the necessary documents requested by the relevant institution and then create an appointment online. After making an appointment at the intermediary agency's website for a Dutch visa, the only thing you need to do is to complete all the documents before the application. 

Once you have got the Schengen visa, you can travel among the union member states within your visa period. The important point here is that the first entry must be made from the country from which the visa was obtained. You can then visit other countries. For example, you want to make an Austrian-Belgium-Czech Republic tour and apply for a Schengen visa through Austria. Once you have entered Austria, you can transfer to both countries with your passport. 

How Much Should I Pay?

Fees can change per year and by the type of the visa. 

2020 Schengen Visa Fees in Turkey

80 Euro
6 to 12 year olds 40 Euro
0 to 6 year olds Free
Nationals of countries that have a visa-facilitation agreement with the European Union 35 Euro


What are the Documents for Schengen Visa?

Although the requirements can vary from country to country, the documents requested by the member states of the European Union are generally the same.

  • Application form

  • Photo (as required, compatible with Schengen visa photo measurements)

  • Passports

  • Flight reservations

  • Hotel reservation

  • Foreign travel insurance

  • Bank account information

  • Certificate of residence

  • Copy of identity card and passport

Schengen Visa Application Documents For Employees

If the person is employed, the required documents for Schengen visa application increase.

  • Employment letter

  • Employment contract

  • Social security statement

  • Payroll

  • Certificate of registration to the Chamber of Commerce

  • Signature circular

  • Tax board 

You can use the Pegasus Visa page to apply for a Schengen visa. If you are applying for a Schengen visa via Germany and Italy and would like to know the necessary documents, you can find all the details on the website of the official intermediary visa agency, iDATA. For other Schengen countries, please check VFS Global. You can find an up-to-date list of documents required for a French visa via VFS Global France. 

People who are considering applying for a visa but are not working should have a sponsor covering the expenses. A parent or spouse can be a sponsor. For more detailed information about visa sponsorship, please read our related article. Pensioners considering applying for a Schengen visa can add their pension cards to their documents. 18 and under can apply for a visa with a consent letter written by their parents.

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